Saturday, July 18, 2009


hehehe :D
hello readers xD
long time don't posting, make me miss this xD

today :D
so many LAUGH today ^^
i feel so happy ^^
first of today lesson is PHYSICS
actually, and honestly i don't like this lesson
because just make me dizzy, hehehehe ^^
(i'm sorry sir ^^v)

but he make my science class laugh!
because of his words :d
i also do laughing with my other classmate..
even i feel so pain in my back and leg..
maybe because yesterday i did a hard sport..

after fun and funny PHYSICS
next lesson is HISTORY!
again, i felt this will be boring *how honest*
but again, my teacher can make the class laugh again ^^

4 thumbs up for my Physics and History teachers ^^
they're cool! xD
but, i can't join my BIOLOGY class :(
how pity..
it's because I've to have a meeting with another 'panitia' of Arts Exhibition

but the meeting didn't boring at all ^^
because of ^o^
hehehe ^^
so happy..
happy.. xD

i feel damn happy today ^^
i really appreciate how he make me happy today ^^

end of my story,
because i feel damn sleepy tonight
*even i know today is Saturday-Night* LOL!
night all :D


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