Monday, July 13, 2009

dear dear dear diary :D

今日のスクーリング日です :D
so happy today ^o^
i can meet my friends :D
and my ^o^
hehehe :D

の科学の授業に入ってから、私はショックを感じる --"a
stress mode : on
but that's not a big problem :D
because I have a Big God to help me solve it ^o^
hehehe :D

i try to make new friends in this class :D
so I can enjoy it for next 2 years :3
because there's only one SCIENCE class~
hahaha :D
i start enjoy this lovely class :3
our 'wali kelas' is not make me frustated :D
i love u mam xD

honestly (sorry before :D*)
i'm a lil bit scare with her..
because in the tenth grade she always make me scare >.<
hehehe (once again gomenasai ^o^v)
i'm afraid can't pass the Chemistry lesson >.<
wanna cry if can't~
because my family, friends, everybody want me to get to the Science class :D
they really want it so I'm trying to do all my best :D

especially for them : 私は、お客様のサポートのおかげで、すべての愛
(i love you all, thanks for your support to me :D)
especially for my family : すべてのサポートと私の精神のおかげで、私はあなたのすべての愛
(thanks for all support and spirit for me, i love you all :D)
especially for ^o^ : あなたの精神のおかげでまあ、私はそう多くは感謝

hahaha :D
go find the meaning okay ^o^
hahaha~ xD
*evil smile :D

hehehe ;P
but so tired today..
because I must come to the Art Exhibition meeting
damn make me dizzy~
I must make many proposal, 'anggaran dana', and whatever it's~
make my anemia, back 'kumat'~
but i dun tell anybody~
afraid make them worry about me :(
i don't want make them worry, because i love them..
hehehe :D

love you all :D
end ♥

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