Monday, April 20, 2009

go swimming :)

yesterday :)
i went to Lembah Hijau with my uncle and his family~
when my uncle ask me to go there~
i think it's gonna be fun :)
xixii :)
yep, that's really fun~ ^^
i can forgot my problem i've~
really suck if we thinking about person who don't think about us~
useless :P
kaka~ xD

at the nite~~
i guess gonna take a rest~
but my lil nephew call me and ask me to go with him~~
i feel touch xD
actually i'm lazy, but my mom, dad, and all the family members ask me to go out :P
and then i go :)
to take care of my lil nephew~~
i went to the mall, which the day before i came there to watch movie :)

end of my story
♥ Xiao Bei ♥



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