Tuesday, March 17, 2009

kinda silly and naughty but i love it!

yesterday story^^ (♥ 16.o3.o9♥)

damn damn damn!

i LOVE yesterday damn much!!!

Don't you know guys???

i strike MEET someone in my past!! xD


thanks GOD i join DBL

i also meet my JHS friends^^

Leechy-San and Hiruma-Kun

we're come there to give support for PENABUR SHS

kinda cool and wow~

i'm speechless join the Penabur supporter~

they're rocks!

about him

he's a boy i ever like in my life^^

he's from other school~

i know him..

but he was wasn't know who i am


that's hurt my mind..

but that's okay la~

my jiejie saw him walk in front of me!

but the fact



i wanna scream that time! xD

but his friends ask to him

'who's the girl behind?'


i was blushed that time~

but that's okay la xD

no problem

for me

'loving him isn't a regret, because i love the right person'

TODAY's STORY (17.o3.o9)


Today me and X-1 must do a ceremony in a court!


i was in the front..

do u imagine guys, that's so hot and make me burn! xD


i was nearly unconcious (pingsan)

and my teacher bring me to the back corner..

i can feel fresh air xD


after that, i decide to follow my friend to his car

in that car there're

1. Momo

2. Vanz

3. Antie

4. Vinny

and Me

we want to find some food..

because we're so starving..

there's another car also join us..

Mingz, Gerry, Cipz, Nofanny, Silviana, and Elsa

quite cool~

we move around the PAHOMAN stadion xD

until we arrive to a supermarket..

they decide to go eat at that place..

but i bring no money~ TT.TT

finally after long walking we decide to eat at one of us canteen!

i enjoy it so much xD

that's the end of my day ♥

i still imagine..

'i love him at first sight, but that's only a fake look'



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