Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year Minna-San^^ 
Wish U All The Best For This Year The nite before new year I spent it in front of my TV I watch many film such as 
1. Oh Baby 

2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 

And I was planning to watch my idol Jay Chou in film : “Kungfu Dunk” OMG! He’s so cute!!!!! And he has a good voice  Hehe~ But the film start at 00.00 AM after I celebrate the New Year, but really a bad luck~ I was sleepy at the night! Damn! I’m so sleepy~~ And can’t watch my idol~~ But, that’s not make me disappointed~ cuz I ady watch him in the opening~~ haha^^~ not a bad luck liao^^

Happy New Year Minna^^



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